Sunday, July 3, 2016

How crazy do you have to be to take your kids on an internationalmission trip?

It's day 7 and we've reached a point in the trip that sometimes takes me by surprise........again.  I've had it many times before but it feels so selfish and unspiritual especially with a title like Family Life Pastor and all.  It's that point where you ask yourself, "Why did we bring the kids?"  Yes.  I said it. It's a question that goes through your head when the heat and the exhaustion and the stomach aches and the mosquito bites take your mind where you really "feel" like going.

The thought is fed by the fact that the sibling rivalry, laziness, respect challenges and general messiness that come with taking kids anywhere actually follows you on a mission trip, too.  Don't ever let the pictures deceive you into thinking that our kids have been unstoppable warriors for the gospel all week, never complaining or making faces when the food on their plates was unrecognizable or when other parents let their kids do it so "why don't you let us?"  
This week our kids have been kids.  Nothing magical happened when they stepped on the airplane for a mission trip.  They came just as they were, and just as we all in progress.
But amazing progress we have truly seen.  They have prayed for the sick, boldly shared the gospel and loved the least of these and they will never be the same.  Perhaps the best part is that we have shared these kingdom experiences together. That means that the "God stories" that the rest of our friends and family just won't ever fully understand no matter how hard we try to explain them have become part of our family's shared history.  If taking kids on an international mission trip makes you crazy, then crazy we are. 


  1. Lord, bless these crazy Humphreys and their crazy friends. ☺️ Thank you for wisdom and eyes to see that you said let the little children come to you...even to minister with you on the mission field. God, let their hearts not forget and let them understand so much more how you came to us...leaving the comforts of heaven to show us the love of the Father and sacrificing all for us. Strengthen the parents and encourage them in your love for them. Take the seeds of the gospel boldly and generously and quietly shared and protect them and nurture them and bless them to bring forth a harvest 100 fold because you are God and you are live. Brung forth fruit and harvest and glorify your name in the Brazilians, the Humphreys family/team, the churches involved and all those whose lives will be touched through these lives forever to come. Bless the many prayers of faith from these covered in your righteousness to be powerful and effective ongoing. Continue to open eyes, ears and hearts to all that has been seen, shared and done. In Jesus Name to your glory God! Amen.

  2. Thanks David for being real so as to encourage us real families that we can do it too.
