Wednesday, July 8, 2015

5 years ago today

5 years ago today, it finally happened.  We finally met 3 little Brazilian orphans, two sisters and a brother who, until that time, we knew as merely pictures and a grainy 10 second video. Our hearts had ached and prayed and hoped and dreamed of them, but on that day, there they were.

Years of waiting for a referral ended on the day we got the call, that was followed by the email in which 3 precious children's faces slowly downloaded onto our screens and took our breath away.  Then came what seemed like endless months of more and more permissions, paperwork, inspections, trips to the Brazilian consulate, trips to Target, all interspersed with tears and prayers as we waited and waited and waited.

But 5 years ago today, the waiting was finally over. Two excited, hopeful, scared Americans were about to meet them.  Was this really happening?  As we awoke that morning, we didn't know what was happening on the other side of the orphanage wall.  Orphanage workers awoke three little sleepy heads and told them that today was the day they would meet their new parents.  Hair had to be brushed, and they'd finally get to wear the little red, white and blue outfits that they'd received in the care package from this mysterious couple who had promised to love and take care of them.

I can only imagine what must have been running through their little 4, 5 and 7 year old minds.  What would they really be like?  Will they be fun?  Will they be rich?  Will we really play in the snow like in all of the movies about America?

That day, 5 years ago today, theirs weren't the only minds filled with questions and wonder.  What would it be like to suddenly be the parents of 3 after 15 years of marriage and freedom?  Would they like us? Would they be scared to death?  Would they be picky eaters?  Would they believe us when we told them we'd take good care of them?  Would they be strong-willed?  Would they like it in America or would they wish they could be back in Brazil?  Would the dogs scare them?  Would they grow to love Jesus one day?

Then it all happened so fast.  We pulled up to the orphanage, rang the doorbell, and all of a sudden, there they were!  As Steven Curtis Chapman put it, "In a moment what had been was lost in what will be."

With joy-filled hearts, tear-filled eyes, and huge hugs, two Americans and three Brazilians who'd never met suddenly became a family of five.

It's still almost too much to comprehend, this miracle of adoption.  How God can infuse you with a love that is both instantaneous and ever-growing for someone you've never met.

5 years later, all of this seems like such ancient history, hidden behind the priceless memories we've already made together over these years together.  Before, we could have never imagined the life God had in store for us.  A life of deep joy and sometimes overwhelming sorrow as we love the little ones whom life has dealt such difficult blows.  Now, it's impossible to imagine life without two girls and a boy who have been grafted into this family tree and into our hearts.

And today, like every other July 8, is our Family Day!  It's the day we'll spend the day together having fun, enjoying each other and giving thanks to the Father of the Fatherless for fulfilling the longings of all five of our hearts.

"This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes."  Psalm 118:23