Sunday, June 26, 2016

Everything you have for us.......

" I receive everything you have for us today, Lord."

This is the prayer the Holy Spirit has placed in my heart this morning and I'm honestly not sure I want to pray it.  One of my favorite references to Jesus in literature is when he is represented by Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia. In that ageless story of the adventures of some chosen children they realize that he isn't safe, but He's good.  

That's what my prayer feels like:  not safe, but good.  Late last night, this team of ten made it to our home for the week in beautiful Manaus safely, but I don't think that's the ultimate goal for us.  As we continue to follow the Master, He may lead us wherever He wishes.  As we step out in His name into unknown territory, we give Him the right to stretch us, to change us and to create more out of us than we knew was possible.

Thanks for joining us on the journey and we continue to covet your prayers.


  1. Grace and courage and strength to you in your faith. God make divine connections. God make your ways divine and unite your team in faith and love. Praying the childlike faith in the 6 kids grow fresh and pure. Holding you up. Love to you all.

  2. Lord, this prayer makes sense, and I want to say a resounding 'Amen' and yet my heart longs for comfort and joy instead of challenge and struggle in the journey for these two families. But ultimately your will is best, your heart for them is always good. Regardless of they path you take them on, may they feel your presence and be able to remind each other of your goodness when you seem far away.
